Connecting People & Technology
to grow business
since 2013
Serving the Financial Services & Capital Markets Industries
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Hiring? Networking? Looking for a Good Job?
We're here for you.
Wealth of insight
Insight Resource GroupOur FocusPeople first.
Our focus remains on people as technology continuosly advances.
Our team builds & maintains relationships with managers within the Financial Services & Capital Markets industries.
We focus on delivering an exceptional experience to managers who value quality over quantity.
Only people who are qualified, interested, and available will land on your desk.
With a personalized introduction and screening notes on why they are right for the job.
We go beyond keyword matching to discover the "why" behind a potential career move.
Asking great questions at the beginning of the interview process leads to a great experience for everyone involved.We started as a local New York City business and grew based on client demand to cover North America.
We've built relationships with managers at leading Investment Banks, Broker Dealers, Asset Managers, Financial Software Providers, and Management Consulting Firms serving the Finance ecosystem.
Each member of our team bring 15+ years of experience in recruiting and remain hands on in the process.
Our TeamExperience & Expertise
Trust is built over time.Delivering exceptional experiences year after year.
Our team of 9 recruiters each bring 15+ years worth of industry connections and well established client relationships to the table.
Our clients trust us to help them find great people and our candidates trust us to help them develop their careers.
How can we help you?
Need to Hire?
You have options.
Retained, Contingent, RPO & Process Advisory
Access our curated network of qualified candidates who understand your business and technology
The best part of our job is the people.We maintain long term relationships with over 15K people within the financial services technology industry through our ability to deliver results.
If you need someone with specific business or product knowledge coupled with technology, look no further.
We keep our talented network updated with industry hiring trends and competitive compensation analysis.
Our philosophy is quality over quantity.
Our process includes transparent, real-time updates on the search along with reporting.
You'll only see profiles of candidates who are qualified, interested, and available.
Time is money.
Open to Good Jobs?
Know what to expect, how to prepare, & when to enter the job market
We get it.
Whether you are actively looking for a job or would consider the right opportunity as it opened, we can help.
We're here to help grow your career, not just get a job.
We work with managers who are committed to 48 hour feedback.
Managers who understand what success looks like and how they will measure it. Managers who have a career path in mind for you.
As your agent, we provide valuable feedback on how you are presenting your skills. We help with resumes, interview coaching, salary negotiation, and ensure smooth onboarding to your new job.
You'll never got it alone.
Your next big move is waiting.
Let's get to work!
Schedule a call with us today.
Make your move!
Featured SearchesGlobal Bank - AmericanTech Leads with Java or .Net expertise & FX business knowledge
Software Engineers:
- Counterparty Risk
- FX Trading
- Securities Lending
- Commodities
- Payments
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